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Choosing an Early Childhood Service:
The 10 most important things you should consider.
A report by Dr Bradley Hannigan
August 2011
The New Zealand Taskforce on Early Childhood Education (2011) identified that high quality early childhood education is essential for success in later life. Choosing a high quality early childhood provider is a decision that will have a lasting effect on your child and their future (OECD, 2011)
To help you in your decision, the following are characteristics of high quality early childhood settings:
August 2011
The New Zealand Taskforce on Early Childhood Education (2011) identified that high quality early childhood education is essential for success in later life. Choosing a high quality early childhood provider is a decision that will have a lasting effect on your child and their future (OECD, 2011)
To help you in your decision, the following are characteristics of high quality early childhood settings:
- Teachers are professionally trained and qualified
(Council of Australian Governments, 2009; Jalongo et al., 2004; NZEI, 2007; Smith, 1996).
- There is a high ratio of teachers to children to allow for quality interactions
(Council of Australian Governments, 2009; NZ ECE Taskforce, 2011).
- Teacher’s skills, updated through professional development, ensure ongoing high quality teacher/child interactions
(Wylie & Hodgen, 2007).
- Teaching programmes combine the development of social skills with numeracy, literacy and problem solving competencies
(Wylie et al., 2008).
- Children are allowed to spend most of their time in play-based activity – learning through their play
(Education Review Office, 2007).
- Children are engaged in programmes that are developmentally appropriate, curriculum based and guided by qualified professionals
(Jalongo et al., 2004).
- There are plenty of opportunities for meaningful parent involvement
(Quality Childcare Coalition of Bucks County, 2011).
- Children’s cultural heritage is encouraged and celebrated
(Jalongo et al., 2004; Ministry of Education, 1996; NZ ECE Taskforce, 2011; Quality Childcare Coalition of Bucks County, 2011).
- Children are encouraged to learn strategies to manage their own behaviour in a flexible and responsive learning environment
(Education Review Office, 2007).
- The physical environment is challenging, safe and planned to extend children’s skills and learning
(Carter, 2007; Education Review Office, 2007; Jalongo et al., 2004).